Thank you to the Burbank residents that were able to attend and our guest speakers. We will be hosting our next meeting on March 22, 2017 – stay tuned for guest speakers and more information int he New Year!
To recap some of the main areas of our guest speakers, we have provided some links to the relevant information:
Silicon Valley Clean Energy –
Notices will be heading out to residents in the selected areas in January 2017 with a service launch date of April to October 2017. Their expectation with this change is to increase the level of sustainability in the power generation side, but still leverage PG&E’s infrastructure for power delivery. There also appears to be a concerted efforts to make sure the pricing stays competivie with PG&E. Note that this program will be sending out notices in early 2017 – so keep an eye out!
For a PDF of the program information go here.
Our City Forest –
Get information on getting a tree to plant in your area:
Visit the Community Nursery to select plants/tress to plant in your yard:
If you have at least 500 sq ft of contiguous lawn and want to explore replacement options – check out the Lawn Busters program. Check out the page for more details and to see if you qualify:
And of course – feel free to get more information on volunteering with OCF!